Hot Hot Summer...
Remember when I wrote that there would hardly be time to catch a breath from May until August?
So right I was!
This wine year really went from 0 to 1000 in the blink of an eye - from cold and wet to hot hot hot and dry in no time. June is usually the month when things seem to get out of control a bit and the workload feels overwhelming at times. Working days have become long and often stretch into the nights. With the deer happily grazing on the fresh shoots in the vineyards, the weeds taking over the vegetable field and tractors in constant need of repair, only a good sense of humour helps to stay cool.
However, these crazy hot days also ask for a little siesta so lunch breaks are extended, the aching feet are treated to a cold bath and a glass of chilled Grüner Veltliner helps to unwind and recharge batteries. The finishing line is close and we will get there eventually!