Fast and Fabulous
The things you can do with a mobile phone camera and a 48 hour deadline… ;-) When we are asked to put the essence of Fritz & Frieda into a 30 second mobile phone video it felt slightly overwhelming at first. However, the fun of making this video more than compensated for the sleepless night we had putting together a concept for it. Plus, it also reminded us of our initial motivation for starting Fritz & Frieda: it’s all about bringing our individual talents, know-how and ressources together and making the most of them. This isn’t a new concept of course, the concept of cooperation is as old as history but it seems like we have recently forgotten about the greatness of strong communities and how much sense it really makes to work together. So if your dream feels too big for you to pursue all by yourself, go and find like-minded people to share your vision with - it really is worth it!